
The Retroconversion of Immature Mediastinal Teratoma with Chemothearpy: A Case Report

Mediastinum is a common localization of extra gonadal teratoma. Mediastinal teratoma, which is comprising of 1-5% of all mediastinal tumors is an infrequent germ cell tumor. Immature mediastinal teratoma is a rare malignant neoplasm, which has an abilty to metastasize and recure and histologically resemble embryonal structures. There are few reports in literature, which show post chemotherapeutic retroconversion of immature teratoma; however, retroconversion of mediastinal teratoma into mature teratoma is not common. A 19-year-old boy was diagnosed a case of immature mediastinal teratoma by Computed tomography-guided FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) and received 6 cycles chemotherapy by bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin regimen. After that, surgically total excision of tumor was done and histopathological report reveals mature teratoma, which is presented in this paper.


Mohammad Serajus Salekin and Mohammad Tajul Islam

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